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888 Poker Review & 888 Poker Promo Code 2020 888 Poker deservedly has a stellar reputation in the poker world. With an exceptional poker client, well-rounded MTT and cash-game traffic, and major partnerships with brands like WSOP, it is no wonder this is the second-largest poker site in the world. Cimer88: Is anyone else getting disconnected from time to time on 888poker or is it just me? I was playing 6 tables and got disconnected in the middle of a hand and of course it was as if i folded and sat out. My internet connection was fine since i was listening music on youtube and playing on PokerStars at the time without any problems. It happened a few times last week. Looks like they.

  1. Want to make the switch from Sky Poker to 888 but I have a problem with the client. I can't change the size of the client at all which makes it impossible to deposit, as the section where I enter my Paypal email is cut off. I can't scroll around either. It looks like this (not my post).
  2. What 888 does is manipulated the hands to get you to bet lost and rebuy and if your still not convinced play for yourself, and if your half good at poker you will get rivered a hell of alot seems the only way that can get me, not every tournament you play you can win, if 888 don't want you to win your not going to.
  3. I having similar problem. I use to register when registration opens, than close the client, and back when its starting. Sometimes im late 1-2 minutes, there is no problem with Holdem, but if im not on time, i cant play that (only that) Omaha anymore. There is just a screen without button, cards, whatever - screenshot down below.

Uptime History

DateResponse TimeStatus
2020-12-13T19:10:36-05:00511.748 msup
2020-12-07T20:36:06-05:00554.913 msup
2020-12-06T00:34:10-05:00509.107 msup
2020-11-24T20:30:29-05:00639.256 msup
2020-11-23T13:36:24-05:00525.055 msup
2020-11-23T09:25:44-05:00522.869 msup
2020-11-20T17:31:09-05:00572.071 msup
2020-11-18T03:39:54-05:00460.592 msup
2020-11-18T03:39:41-05:00539.940 msup
2020-11-18T03:39:25-05:00546.248 msup
The above table reflects the uptime history for

Past Response Times

The above graph reflects the response times collected for The lower the response time, the better.
888 Poker Connection Issues

888 Poker Connection Issues Today



888 Poker Connection Issues Free

If is up but it's not working for you, you can try one of the following tips below.

Refresh your browser

  • Force a full refresh of your browser page by clicking Ctrl + F5 at the same time. This should work on Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome.
  • Clear your browser temporary cache and cookie to make sure you have the recent version of

Still not resolved? Try these advanced tips.

  • Clear your local DNS cache to make sure you have the recent version from your ISP for For Windows machine, you can do this by going to Start > Command Prompt > Type ipconfig /flushdns and then hit Enter.
  • If you suspect your ISP is blocking you may try an alternate DNS service, such as OpenDNS or Google DNS.

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