RUN OF THE CARDS: In the last decade, public poker games have proliferated across Michigan as a quirk in the state’s bingo law allows such gambling in support of charitable groups. As play, and revenue, has grown, casinos have cried foul, arguing that these “millionaire party games” are poorly regulated and vulnerable to criminal activity. (Bridge illustration/A.J. Jones)

Bridge vs Poker – The battle of cards. In the United States, the most popular card game in the 1940s was contract bridge. It was played by 47% of women and 30% of men. Poker took second place among men (22%) and only 5% among women. Playing Cards and More PO Box 1914 Taos, New Mexico 87571 (772) 233-3015.

It’s a two-handed game. On one side of the table, Michigan’s casinos, controlled by big-money firms and well-heeled Indian tribes. On the other, thousands of small charitable groups – booster clubs, Lions, Kiwanis, churches – woven into the very fabric of their communities.

Between them, Gov. Rick Snyder and his administration, dealing the cards that will determine the future scope – or even the very future – of charitable poker in Michigan.

In the decade since the state decided Texas hold ’em counted as a charitable game under Michigan’s bingo law, the amount of charitable gambling has exploded, doubling four times between 2004 and 2009 alone. In 2012, about $184 million in revenue flowed through these “millionaire party games.”

This surge, in turn, created its own cottage industry – bars transformed into large-scale poker rooms to handle hour after hour of daily play and organizers to match the licensed charities with time slots at these new gambling meccas.

While giving community charities a new source of fast money – and poker players as much action as they could desire -- the transformation has left Michigan’s casinos frustrated.

“It is completely out of control now,” said Peter Ellsworth, a lawyer in Lansing who lobbies for the MGM Casino in Detroit. “(The oversight) allowed it to develop full-time poker rooms – mini-gambling halls.”

In 2012, Gov. Rick Snyder transferred oversight of the poker games from the Michigan Lottery to the Michigan Gaming Control Board, which also oversees casinos. He also issued (in 2011) a moratorium on new licenses for poker suppliers and locations. game-sponsoring charities.

Last December, the Gaming Board shut down one of the largest poker venues in the state, Snookers in Macomb County, after finding “material violations” of state law, such as diverting poker proceeds and filing inaccurate financial documents.

Bridge vs poker size cards

The board’s order stated that Snookers’ owner and an employee even admitted to investigators that they “routinely” altered records to cover the fact they were selling more chips to players than allowed by law.

Charities and poker venues are worried about Lansing’s direction, but the Gaming Board’s director, Richard Kalm, said recently that the agency “(has) been exploring the lifting of the moratorium soon.”

For its part, the Snyder administration is discussing whether the games pay for themselves, at least in terms of the regulatory costs. Sources close to the administration said there was also discussion on whether the games should be taxed, in part because they could be seen as competition to full casinos in the state who either pay taxes or a portion of their proceeds to the state.

Lifting the moratorium will depend on determining if the state’s gaming board has enough resources to adequately regulate the games and how many locations will be needed across the state, Kalm said. He would put no date to when the moratorium may be lifted.

Kalm also said the board is still adding staff to help regulate the games.

David Brown, head of the Michigan Charitable Gaming Association, said industry officials had always been told the moratorium would be temporary, and the longer it goes on, the greater potential for problems for charities and suppliers.

From bingo to big poker

While charities can hold millionaire parties at any facility, most choose to use established poker venues, such as the popular Lansing club Trippers or Northville Downs in that Detroit suburb.

The Traxler-McCauley Act from the early 1970s that allowed bingo also set up the basic rules for millionaire parties and which charities can operate them. Mostly those charities tend to be church-related groups, veterans groups and school groups, but other charities can participate. To look at the state list of licensed game operators is revealing as to the range of different charities operating the games, from local chambers of commerce to school booster clubs to groups like the Lansing Art Gallery.

Millionaire parties originally involved a variety of casino games generally played by members of the charities, but they have evolved into primarily poker, specifically hold ’em.

A charity can get a license to hold a game for four consecutive days a total of four times a year. While the venues provide the room, tables and dealers, only a member of the charitable group is supposed to handle the chips issued to players.

Rick Hert, who runs the one-man West Michigan Film Office, says charity poker provides his group $2,000 to $3,000 a year, which happens to be 100 percent of his operating budget.

'I play poker myself sometimes, and it's a good opportunity to make some money,' Hert said. Despite its similar name, the West Michigan Film Office has no relationship with the state-run Michigan Film Office in Lansing. Hert promotes West Michigan as a location for filmmakers in pursuit of state financial incentives.


The West Michigan Film Office raises money at TJ's Charity Card Room in Grand Rapids, and Hert said he's lucky to have a place there.

'It's incredibly difficult to find (an open date),' he said. 'Rooms are booked a year or two in advance.'

Brown, of the Charitable Gaming Association, says that’s typical: “It’s all small, local charities -- children’s groups, veterans, animals, etc.” He added that these are groups that would have a hard time raising the sort of money they can in a poker room, and with very little work.

Donna Gartside, of the DeWitt Lions Club in mid-Michigan, agrees: 'It's the most amount of money for least amount of work. It takes two people per shift, six people a day.' By way of contrast, for their other big fundraiser -- the ox roast -- the food tent alone takes 20 people every two hours, she said. The $10,000 to $15,000 they raise via poker is more than half of all the money they collect in a year.

A review of listings on upcoming games is a roster of charitable Americana: Kiwanis, Elks, Moose, Eagles, athletic booster clubs, Jaycees, American Legion, VFWs. So if the Snyder administration looks to apply the regulatory brakes, it will face plenty of media-genic opponents.

But regulation – more of it – is needed to deal with the cultural shift, says Ellsworth, the Lansing attorney, who applauds Snyder’s decision to move charity poker oversight from the Lottery to the Gaming Control Board.

“Going back to the Milliken administration (in the 1970s), I was doing liaison work with the Lottery. Charitable gaming was what you did in the basement of a parish on Saturday night. It was not hard-core gambling,” he said.

In the current form, Ellsworth argues, these poker rooms and their charity sponsors have been largely unregulated.

“The definition of qualified organizations is really loose. Any group of 15 senior citizens can form a qualified organization; lots of outfits that aren’t really charities,” he said, adding that his perspective is personal and does not necessarily reflect the views of MGM.

Big bucks and big bucks

Even as fast as the poker world has grown and as eagerly as small charities have flocked to it, charitable poker is still small potatoes in both the world of nonprofits and of gambling.

For all of 2012, the net profit for charity groups – the more than 2,500 licensed that year -- using poker fundraisers was about $16 million (from revenue of about $184 million). The vendors running the games took in a similar amount, with the rest of the money going to the players themselves.

By comparison, the three Detroit casinos reported $1.4 billion in revenue in 2012. Michigan Lottery generates a net income of about $700 million.

And a report for the Michigan Nonprofit Association says the nonprofit sector in Michigan had more than $200 billion in annual revenue, though the report only covered the small share of nonprofit groups that had at least $25,000 in receipts.

“The MNA has never taken a position on charitable gaming and we remain neutral on the subject,” said spokesman Ted Jones last week.

While casinos have doubled their lobbying at the State Capitol since 2009, there’s little evidence of a legislative push to restrict the poker rooms – and Ellsworth says legislation isn’t needed, if the Snyder team acts.

“What they need to do is cut way, way back on number of charities allowed at a venue and number of nights that venue can run charitable gaming … really it’s just a scheduling change. You don’t need a change in the rules or statute to do that. … The Gaming Control Board executive director has authority to approve venue and schedules. From that authority you can limit number of orgs per night at each venue,” he explained.

“By enforcing rules that are there now, you can get a higher percentage of money to charitable organizations.”

Editor's note: This story was produced in a collaboration between Bridge Magazine and the Gongwer News Service.

John Lindstrom is publisher of Gongwer News Service Michigan, a subscription service that covers daily activities at the Capitol and in state government. Lindstrom is a graduate of Michigan State University and has worked in Michigan journalism for more than three decades.

Bridge Senior Editor Derek Melot and Staff Writer Nancy Derringer contributed to this report.

Like other card games, the bridge player must be able to use a strategy to get points or wins.

In this paper, which is a connection of the article about the technique of playing bridge before, we will also convey instructions on strategies that are mostly used by world players. To briefly teach us to play, both as beginners to advanced level.

1 Often – Play Together Often.

There are always new things to learn in bridge techniques. The best way to increase the capability of us to play bridge is to practice often playing it. Books and guides can help not a little, but in the end, developing intuition when doing what a problem is getting the experience of playing the game.

2 Learn To Read Your Friends.

You are not able to communicate immediately with our friends throughout the bidding stage, but there are many stages in which you and your partner can exchange directions about what each of you wants. The preliminary round in offers is often used to give our friends a sense of what your most durable type of card is, rather than bring about due to actual real-time offers.

Your partner can support your offer by bidding on a higher number with the same type of card you are bargaining with (indicating that your partner has agreed with the kind of card) or suggesting a similar approach with bidding different types of cards.

A trump number offer often shows that this player has a group of cards loaded with face cards and the one who can be big enough to win is not a little trick just by ranking the cards.

3 Try the card score to choose the card capability.

If you have problems assessing the capabilities of the cards that we have, there are commonly used stages to determine the cards in our hands to understand their strength together more accurately. In this system, a standard set of cards carries a total of 40 points.

The distribution of points is as follows:

  • The cards have a value of 4 points.
  • King cards have a value of 3 points.
  • Queen cards have a value of 2 points.
  • Jack cards have a value of 1 point.

If our group of cards has 12 or 13 points or more, it can be large that it is a strong collection of cards.

With practice, this system can sustain us choosing how we bring about your introductory offer to deliver the final proposal to a favorable outcome.

4 Keep your technique simple at first.

Two of the four main stages of winning an adequate technique are light, and you can immediately use the following two stages in your method. (The other two stages are more complicated, and are related to controlling the stages of our opponents playing their cards together with steps to see what cards they have played and can they can play in the next tricks.) By anticipating which of the two this technique that must be used at what time, we can increase your chances of adequate contracts (or successfully block your opponents from contracting enough). The following two ways are:

Play the highest card in the trick. Beat your opponent’s top card with a trump card.

5 Play counts of dummy card groups for adequate contracts.

When we lead the technique as declarer, unless the doll controls the highest card of the trump card in your card group, you can believe that you can win every method led by the following trump card. These tricks are called “sure tricks,” and are simple steps to increase the number of techniques you win. Lead together the cards of your type of card, and then play the next highest card from the group of dummy cards to lock the victory.

Because we win tricks, you can lead the next technique too. Repeat this pattern until you have played all your specific methods.

Remember, you only have to have your contract to win the round. Get as much as you can for sure techniques that you can win to add to your total score with ease.

Tips for Playing Bridge

Consider a simpler prefix unless necessary. One of the many card games we know as “trick picking” is Bridge card games. Hearts, shovels, and pinochle are other games in this group. If we are confused with playing bridge, especially we must learn first about any tricks in making this game that can make it easier for you to understand the game.

Practice with experienced players. Sharing adds to the ability to play bridge. The best is the study of people who have played bridge for years. Look in our city for local bridge clubs or organized bridge events that you can attend.

Memorize bridge terms. Bridge uses many special meanings. At first, it could be published more lightly to let these terms and use general sentences, but for the long term, this subject can confuse and bring the consequences of organizational problems. Take it when you become familiar with bridge terms and bridge games can be fun.

The Difference Between Bridge Deck and Poker Deck

Anyone whose play Poker regularly will notice right away the difference between both Decks, Bridge and Poker. Take an example from any kind of Poker Online community that had been established on internet. You can see their members will easily spot that Poker Deck is wider than Bridge Deck. Try to read some of their useful guides about card games there. Many helpful guides for playing Poker also shared there, and you can read and try to learn all of it, for Free! Let’s break down a little what is the difference between both decks.

Bridge Vs Poker Size

In general, the Poker deck is 2.50 inches wide, and the bridge deck is 2.25 inches; conclusion that Poker players use cards that are 0.25 inches (1/4 “) wider. Why are Bridge decks narrower than deck Poker? A Bridge player needed to hold more cards at once than poker players, thus a narrower card is valued by Bridge players. Poker players usually hold no more than five cards at a time, and with Texas Hold’em explosions, players are only required to hold 2 hole cards at once.