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C: Users Mark Documents Python3.4.2python Enter number of rolls.5 Enter number of dice.2 Your roll was a 3 You rolled an odd number Your roll was a 1 You rolled an odd number Your roll was a 3 You rolled an odd number Your roll was a 5 You rolled an odd number Your roll was a 1 You rolled an odd number Your roll was a 5 You rolled. Output: Creating Stopwatch using Tkinter. Now lets try to create a program using Tkinter module to create a stopwatch. A stopwatch is a handheld timepiece designed to measure the amount of time elapsed from a particular time when it is activated to the time when the piece is deactivated. I don't know how to play craps but i've looked up the rules and the first one says that if the come out roll is 2,3, or 12 the shooter craps out and they lose their money. I'm not sure how to implement this in code though. Also the way it is explained is a bit convoluted. If anyone knows what's supposed to happen I'd appreciate the help.


Easy to get started. Thonny comes with Python 3.7 built in, so just one simple installer is needed and you're ready to learn programming. (You can also use a separate Python installation, if necessary.) The initial user interface is stripped of all features that may distract beginners.

No-hassle variables. Once you're done with hello-worlds, select View → Variables and see how your programs and shell commands affect Python variables.

Simple debugger. Just press Ctrl+F5 instead of F5 and you can run your programs step-by-step, no breakpoints needed. Press F6 for a big step and F7 for a small step. Steps follow program structure, not just code lines.

Step through expression evaluation. If you use small steps, then you can even see how Python evaluates your expressions. You can think of this light-blue box as a piece of paper where Python replaces subexpressions with their values, piece-by-piece.

Faithful representation of function calls. Stepping into a function call opens a new window with separate local variables table and code pointer. Good understanding of how function calls work is especially important for understanding recursion.

Highlights syntax errors. Unclosed quotes and parentheses are the most common beginners' syntax errors. Thonny's editor makes these easy to spot.

Explains scopes. Highlighting variable occurrences reminds you that the same name doesn't always mean the same variable and helps spotting typos. Local variables are visually distinguished from globals.

Mode for explaining references. Variables are initially presented according to simplified model (name → value) but you can switch to more realistic model (name → address/id → value).

Code completion. Students can explore APIs with the help of code completion.

Beginner friendly system shell. Select Tools → Open system shell to install extra packages or learn handling Python on command line. PATH and conflicts with other Python interpreters are taken care of by Thonny.

Simple and clean pip GUI. Select Tools → Manage packages for even easier installation of 3rd party packages.



Main development of Thonny took place in Institute of Computer Science of University of Tartu, Estonia.

Development of several features in Thonny 3.0 was proposed and supported by Raspberry Pi Foundation.

Craps Python 3d

Since September 2018 development of Thonny is partially supported by Cybernetica AS.

We are also grateful for the help of several contributors from the open-source community around the world.

Python 3 Craps

Instructions & downloads

  • Installation instructions

Latest stable releases are linked in the download box at the top of this page. Older releases and prereleases can be found at


Thonny has simple infrastructure for extensions.

Python 3 Craps Game

These are some known Thonny plug-ins:

  • thonny-ev3dev allows uploading code to EV3 (and much more)
  • thonny-easy allows loading exercises from and submitting solutions for automatic assessment.
  • thonny-edison allows uploading Python code to Edison educational robot
  • thonny-dracula adds a dark theme.

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