1. How To Make A Living Off Online Poker Tournaments
  2. How To Make A Living Off Online Poker Free
How to make a living off online poker freeHow To Make A Living Off Online Poker

How To Make A Living Off Online Poker Tournaments

I played online Poker nearly every day from the age of 15 to 18. When I started, I had several years of competitive Magic: the Gathering under my belt, so I understood the systematic process of learning a card game. The best way to make $1000 a month playing online poker is to play low stakes cash games, but play at least NL10 and preferably NL25. You also need to stick to a tight and aggressive strategy and make sure that you are always table selecting. If you do all of this then it is possible to make $1000 a month playing poker.

How To Make A Living Off Online PokerHow To Make A Living Off Online Poker

How To Make A Living Off Online Poker Free

Whether we like to admit it or not, all of us are looking for an easy way of making a living. The lucky ones manage to turn their passions into full-time jobs, and the even luckier ones manage to make a living out of Online Poker. Since it’s an entertaining game that can become extremely profitable, it’s no wonder why a lot of people would rather invest their time and patience into it, rather than stick to a job they hate.
In order to do this, you clearly have to become a professional. First of all, if you want to do this, you have to know that it’s hard work – no one has succeeded without effort and discipline. In the beginning, you have to research the game until you start understanding it – even poker websites have informative guides on their platforms, where they explain several rules and strategies, so you’ll find the knowledge you need quite easily. Once you do this, the next step is to play as much as you can, in order to understand the rules that you’ve been reading about. As you know, practice makes perfect, and there are numerous Online Poker sites that allow you to play practice games.
During this period, you’ll learn what hands to play, when you should fold or bluff, and how to apply other strategies in real poker games. Professionals also know that, regardless of the context, you always have to stay alert and pay attention to your opponents if you don’t want to lose ground. Finding a Poker variation that suits you is also crucial – for instance, you may not be good at Texas Hold’Em, but you may be great at Omaha.
Regardless of what you do, be consistent when it comes to practice and leave your emotions aside.