originally used in games of risk such as poker meaning to increase the risk or raise the stakes of the game. More commonly used now as a challenge to person, replaceable with 'step up'
by X December 06, 2004
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Poker Antes Definition Synonyms

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  1. Definition of antes in the Idioms Dictionary. What does antes expression mean? Or a penny, the lowest possible stake. Like many other poker terms.
  2. One of the recent trends in online poker is the introduction of No Limit Hold’em cash games with an Ante. Major sites such as FullTilt, UB (formerly UltimateBet), and Absolute Poker have added these games to their lobby looking to attract more players.
1. in the game of poker it means to put more money or something with value on the table
2. someone may say it during a robbery meaning give up anything with value
1. I see your 10 and i raise you 20, ante up
2. Ante up fool, i want the cash and the jewls
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if I see you your going to Ante up
Poker Antes Definition

Poker Antes Definition Synonym

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Definition of Ante In all forms of poker, it is very important to have money in the pot prior to the deal. If there was no money in the pot, then it would benefit conservative play, and players would kill the game by simply waiting for pocket aces. An ante, which is a mandatory bet for every player every hand, is one solution to that problem.

Poker Antes Definition

Poker Ante Definition

ante up bitch and you get that eye swole
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Poker Antes Definition Dictionary

Dec 15 trending

Poker Antes Definition En

  • 1. Watermelon Sugar
  • 2. Ghetto Spread
  • 3. Girls who eat carrots
  • 4. sorority squat
  • 5. Durk
  • 6. Momala
  • 7. knocking
  • 8. Dog shot
  • 9. sputnik
  • 10. guvy
  • 11. knockin'
  • 12. nuke the fridge
  • 13. obnoxion
  • 14. Eee-o eleven
  • 15. edward 40 hands
  • 16. heels up
  • 17. columbus
  • 18. ain't got
  • 19. UrbDic
  • 20. yak shaving
  • 21. Rush B Cyka Blyat
  • 22. Pimp Nails
  • 23. Backpedaling
  • 24. Anol
  • 25. got that
  • 26. by the way
  • 27. Wetter than an otter's pocket
  • 28. soy face
  • 29. TSIF
  • 30. georgia rose