1. For traditional gambling, this generally means avoiding casinos, VLTs, bars, or other physical locations where gambling is made available. With online gambling avoiding this temptation is much more difficult. Every computer with internet access (whether it is at work, home, or somewhere else) becomes a virtual casino awaiting the next bet.
  2. Next to addiction and religious reasons, underage gambling is the strongest argument people make against gambling. The prevention of underage gambling is a cornerstone of all state (online) gambling laws, as well as a big criticism of others. These are the biggest and most common arguments against gambling today.
  1. Reasons Why Online Gambling Is Bad
  2. Why Online Gambling Is Bad For You
  3. Why Online Gambling Is Bad Luck

Online gambling a bad bet for America, U. Kindt, a professor of business and legal policy, says supporters of a renewed push to lift the ban on online. Because it denies the reality of God’s sovereignty (by affirming the existence of luck or chance) Because it is built on irresponsible stewardship (tempting people to throw away their money) Be. Problem gambling is often associated with mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and mood disorders. Gambling problems don’t just affect mental health. People who have struggled with gambling benefit greatly from treatment and often also need family counseling and financial coaching to fully recover.

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Why online gambling is bad luck

Every year, more people go online in search of entertainment they used to access in other ways (television, music, movies, video games, and of course, pornography).
Gambling is no exception and is just another activity that no longer requires a trip outside one's residence. Today, gamblers can play blackjack, poker, slots, roulette, and any other game of chance from the comfort of their own homes.
Not surprisingly, this also means that there has been an increase in online gambling addiction. In this article, TechAddiction examines the appeal of internet casinos with the top 12 reasons for the popularity of online gambling.

Internet gambling offers almost all of the appealing elements of traditional casinos, and additionally:

1. Gamblers can play in the comfort of their own homes - no need to go to a casino.
2. New players can learn how to play with step-by-step tutorials without feeling embarrassed that they do not know the rules (as compared to traditional casinos).
3. Online gambling websites offer exciting, modern interfaces that may be especially appealing to younger players and / or those who enjoy video games.
4. New players can initially bet with 'play money' which eases the transition to making wagers with real money.
5. Online gambling (especially online poker) tournaments have produced champions who go on to televised poker tournaments - thus becoming idols for those who wish to do the same.
6. Online gambling websites often use celebrities for promotion and at times they even take part in the tournaments, which further adds to the glamour and excitement.
7. The online format of internet gambling allows for games that are simply not possible in traditional casinos.
8. Internet gambling provides an opportunity (albeit a very small opportunity) to win money from home.
9. Online gambling websites make huge profits and have large budgets for advertising.
10. Online casinos often have loyalty programs to encourage more frequent and higher bets.
11. Online gambling is typically faster paced than the games offered in a casino.
12. Younger players who would be turned away at a casino can lie about their ages and easily access online gambling websites.
What Reasons Do People Give For Gambling Online?
According to a study by the American Gaming Association (2006):

  • Convenience (48%)

  • Fun / excitement / entertainment (24%)

  • More comfortable (24%)

Reasons Why Online Gambling Is Bad

  • Able to win money (9%)

  • Anonymity & privacy (6%)

Why Online Gambling Is Bad

Explanations for the popularity of online gambling according to Wood et al. (2007)

  • Convenience, comfort and ease of internet gambling

  • An aversion to traditional land-based casinos

  • Prefer the pace and format of online gambling

  • Perceived potential for larger wins and lower costs to play

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Online Gambling Addiction - Risks, Facts, Signs, Stats, & Treatment

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Why Online Gambling Is More Dangerous Than Casino Gambling
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Online Gambling Stats & Facts
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Online Gambling Addiction Treatment & Help
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Responsible Gambling - Ten Tips For Online Gamblers
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The Popularity Of Online Gambling - Twelve Reasons
Teenage Gambling Online - Risks, Assessment, & Advice

Why Online Gambling Is Bad

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Even though online gambling addiction ('Pathological Gambling' in clinical terms) is essentially diagnosed using the same criteria as 'regular' gambling, there are many features of internet gambling that potentially makes it more addictive and dangerous than gambling in a casino:

  • If a problem gambler spends two or three days gambling at a casino, someone will likely notice (for example, his friends, family, casino staff, etc.). In contrast, online gamblers can play at work, at home, or even on smart phones without anyone being aware that they are actually gambling.

  • A very important part of gambling addiction treatment is having a strategy to avoid play. For traditional gambling, this generally means avoiding casinos, VLTs, bars, or other physical locations where gambling is made available. With online gambling avoiding this temptation is much more difficult. Every computer with internet access (whether it is at work, home, or somewhere else) becomes a virtual casino awaiting the next bet.

Why online gambling is bad creditWhy Online Gambling Is Bad
  • With online gambling, access to one's bank account is always only a click away - which makes the likelihood of impulse betting and 'chasing losses' much greater compared to locations where one must physically withdraw money from a bank machine (for example).

  • In many countries it is illegal to operate an online casino. Therefore, a large percentage of internet gambling websites are registered in counties where online gambling is legal. Not surprisingly, these online gambling businesses are not well regulated. It may be difficult to determine exactly who is running an online casino, whether the stated odds are accurate, and there may be few legal options to pursue if someone has been defrauded.

  • One of the most common 'tricks' used by online casinos is to offer a 'free-to-play' version of their games. Of course, the goal is to introduce new players to online gambling and make them feel comfortable placing real bets with real money after they have had some success with the free version. And how do internet gambling websites make sure that new players are successful? Simple, the odds are inflated to favor the player when he/she is gambling with play money. By doing so, the player incorrectly assumes that the success he / she had with the free version will translate into success when using real money. Of course, the odds change in favor of the house as soon as real money is involved.

  • On the internet it is sometimes easy to forget that electronic money is still real money (just ask any eBay user about how easy it is to chase a bid well beyond what is a reasonable asking price). Players may be able to use credit cards to deposit money into an online account that they can access as funds inevitably run out.

  • Internet gambling websites may use computer programs to represent what one may believe to be real human players. These 'poker bots' may be programmed for both optimal play and / or to increase the amount that the human players are actually betting.

  • Online gamblers may unknowingly be the victims of deceptive opponent practices. For example, one common technique involves collusion between online poker players. That is, several players are actually in the same physical location and are sharing information to give them an advantage over other players.

  • Whereas traditional casinos may be able to ban problem gamblers, there is little to prevent a compulsive gambler from accessing online gambling sites at will. Online gambling sites typically do have policies on restricting access (for example to underage players and to those who have voluntarily banned themselves), but their ability to actually enforce this is very debatable. Furthermore, a player banned from one site can simply sign up at another with just a few mouse clicks.

  • Online gambling at home provides greater convenience and comfort than playing in a casino, allows bets to be placed without the scrutiny of others, offers a more immerse interface, and allows players to place bets after heavy consumption of drugs or alcohol - all factors which can increase both the duration of time spent gambling and the amount of money wagered.

  • Players who unknowingly provide personal information or credit card details to non-reputable online gambling websites (and there are many) may be placing themselves at risk for identity theft and credit card fraud.

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Online Gambling Addiction - Risks, Facts, Signs, Stats, & Treatment

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Gambling Addiction Signs - Symptoms Of Online Gambling Addiction
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Why Online Gambling Is More Dangerous Than Casino Gambling
Online Gambling Stats & Facts
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Online Gambling Addiction Treatment & Help
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Responsible Gambling - Ten Tips For Online Gamblers
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You May Have An Online Gambling Problem If You…
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The Popularity Of Online Gambling - Twelve Reasons
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Teenage Gambling Online - Risks, Assessment, & Advice

Why Online Gambling Is Bad For You

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